Permanent supportive housing: supportive housing that helps people who are facing complex challenges live with stability, autonomy and dignity.
We provide supportive housing with comprehensive services for homeless families and individuals with a disability and individuals suffering from mental illness. People in supportive housing live more stable and productive lives.
FAMILY HOUSING: Serving 30 families, this supportive housing for homeless families with disabilities includes comprehensive services to help families move into independent housing and obtain meaningful employment. This program is accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).
Port Clinton & Sandusky
MENTAL ILLNESS: We serve individuals with a diagnosed chronic mental illness who are able to live on their own by providing quality, affordable housing in 20 scattered site apartments in Port Clinton and Sandusky. Funding is provided by the Mental Health and Recovery Board of Erie and Ottawa counties.
INTENSIVE CARE FOR MENTAL ILLNESS: At our adult care facilities, we provide around the clock supervision, personal care and supportive services in group home settings to severely mentally disabled men and women. Our four adult family homes, located in Sandusky and Port Clinton, are licensed by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Contact information for all programs and services can be found in our Program Directory.